Cancellation Policy
Cancellation Policy
We are sorry that you want to cancel your order. However, Plants for Skin only cancels orders based on the proprietary discretion of the company. This can be in terms of but not limited to:
- Suspected fraudulent orders
- Item becomes completely unavailable
- Multiple orders made within a 10 second time frame (If 3 orders were made in seconds, we will only cancel 2)
You may not be able to cancel your order for the following reasons:
- If you’re no longer interested in getting the product
- If you’re no longer going to be at the address you entered
- If it was purchased as a gift and the receiver will no longer be available
For Workshops:
Classes CANNOT be canceled once booked. However, you may transfer it to another date within the 7 day time frame.
Grace period: A 10 minute grace period is given. All classes start promptly after the grace period ends. This is to ensure you have the BEST experience & adequate time to enjoy the entire class. After 10 minutes the class will start with the individuals present. Absent individuals will have to reschedule.
You will only be allowed to reschedule your appointment ONCE. If you wish to reschedule again, you will only be provided with store credits.